Some Truth

Some Truth

Look, it’s no secret that too much body fat is dangerous for your health.  Notice I did not say body weight, why?, because there is a difference.  A woman can be within what is considered a "normal" body weight and still have too much body fat.  And like in my case, a woman can have a BMI of 25, which is considered "overweight", but have 22%  body fat which is considered lean for a woman.  Body weight in itself is not a good measure of health in all cases.  But I will say, that the scientific studies do show that as a general rule, for most of the population, having a BMI that is considered overweight or obese, does make a person at higher risk for all sorts of health problems.  We can't ignore those studies either.  So what is the answer?  The answer is, each woman (and man too, but I am addressing this to women so.....) is different and each situation is different.  Health and Fitness is not a one size fits all kind of thing.    

There are proven ways to get your body into good shape so you will have the best chance for good health. A good strong body is essential for fighting virus’ and disease.  Both of which are a big concern to us all right now.  You can absolutely do it.  Is it easy?  Nope.  Is it going to require some sacrifice?  Yep.  But it’s not complicated.  The science is really simple.  It’s the mindset that is going to be difficult to tackle.  

You see, you have got to let go of the idea of a certain body weight as your worth.  All of our lives, as women, we are ingrained with the idea that we need to be a certain body weight or size in order to be admired or to be “right”.  It’s interesting to me that men generally do not care what they weigh or what size they are, not like women.  Which tells me that we have done this to ourselves and we have let the media convince us that this is the truth. Well I’m here to tell you Sis, it’s not the truth.  You are more than the number on the scale, or the number on the tag of your clothes.  You are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of God the creator of the Universe who also created you!  You were made on purpose for a purpose by the Almighty Himself.  You are loved and important just like you are!!  Every woman is.  That, my friend is the absolute Truth!

Your Health and Fitness goals should be about your health and fitness not your weight or size.  Now do I fault a woman for having a weight or size goal?  Not if it is some challenge she has set for herself and she doesn’t put self worth in those goals.  For instance, I am trying my hardest to put on muscle which is going g to increase my size.  It’s hard work and it’s a very slow process.  If I put my self worth into reaching that goal I would feel pretty worthless for years!  It’s a goal I set for myself to challenge myself.  I’m perfectly happy with me like I am.  That’s why it works.  That, Sis, is the key to all of this.  Is it OK to want to improve your physique, and get healthy?  Absolutely, I encourage that.  But you’ve got to accept you right now without the changes.  

When it comes to getting your health and fitness in check, you are going to have to make some changes because what you are doing now is not working.  This is where I can help you.  I can give you a simple program to follow that without a doubt works.  But the key is, you have to actually follow the program.  You have to commit to the program, not for the event, not to get into a certain size or hit a certain body weight, but for you, and your family.  Your family will benefit from your decisions now.  Your children and your grandchildren will benefit from having a Mom or Grandmother that can play sports or take them out to ride a bicycle, or whatever they are into.  If you are not in good health and shape you will not be able to do that.  

It’s time to get off the diet and cardio roller coaster and do what works.  It’s not magic and it doesn’t happen overnight.  It took you longer than 2-3 months to get where you are now.  You can’t expect to fix it that fast either.  You can’t give up when it gets hard or when you fall off the wagon.  Because both of those things are going to happen.  The key is to just keep going.  

I can help you!  I really can.  If you are ready to commit, I’m ready to get into the trenches with you.  I personally love me some trenches!  So let’s go!  What are you waiting for??

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